Boards, Commissions and Committees

Recreation & Wildlife Commission

Committee Recreation & Wildlife Commission
Enabling Legislation BOS Resolution #81-488 and Ordinance #81-015 adopted October 6, 1981; BOS Resolution #83-491 adopted August 3, 1983
Membership Five Members
Term Specifications Four years, co-terminus with nominating supervisor
Duties Act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors; promote, aid, and encourage public recreation and the conservation and propagation of fish and wildlife; study and make recommendations with respect to the acquisition or development of recreational areas and facilities of County-wide significance; act in an advisory capacity in the maintenance, development, and operation of all recreation areas and facilities owned, operated, or controlled by the County; establish general policies and recommend bylaws, rules, and regulations which may be required in the carrying on of a park and recreation system, or which may, in its opinion, be required or for the conservation and propagation of game species, fish, and other wildlife and for the protection of their habitats; acquaint the general public and other public officials of aims, requirements, and needs of the recreational and wildlife programs; review proposals and make recommendations to the BOS regarding the use of fish and game propagation funds, recommending that fine monies in the County Fish and Game Propagation Fund be used as provided for in California State Law, beginning with Section 13100 of the Fish and Game Code.
Qualifications • Appointees must be residents of Fresno County. • Appointees must be interested in recreation and wildlife.
Meeting Schedule
AB 1234 Ethics Training Pursuant to Government Code Section 53235, if any local agency provides any type of compensation, salary, or stipend to a member of a legislative body or provides reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by a member of a legislative body in the performance of official duties, then all agency officials shall receive training in ethics.
Oath of Office Required
Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) Required
Contact Chris Bernal (559) 600-4308
2220 Tulare Street, 6th Floor Fresno, CA 93721


Position Members Appointed Date Term Expires Districts
Committee Member Nilmeier, Leland 6/6/2023 1/4/2027 District 1
Committee Member Bauer, Barry H. (Term Expired) 9/5/2023 1/6/2025 District 2
Committee Member Vacant 7/7/2009 1/4/2017 District 3
Committee Member Lang, Herb 1/3/2023 1/4/2027 District 4
Committee Member Butz, Steven (Term Expired) 9/24/2024 1/6/2025 District 5