Boards, Commissions and Committees

In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee

Committee In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee
Enabling Legislation Welfare and Institutions Code sections 12301.4 and 12304.6; BOS Minute Orders dated Aug. 1, 2000 (AB 1682), Nov. 14, 2000 (SB 288), and March 12, 2002; Fr. Co. Ordinance Code § 2.80.150; BOS Minute Order dated June 5, 2007, Amendment to Bylaws; Amendment to Ordinance December 12, 2012 BOS meeting;
Membership Nine members
Term Specifications • Group 1 - co-terminous with the nominating Supervisor’s term. • Groups 2 and 3 - Four years.
Compensation Mileage reimbursement
Duties Recommendations to the BOS on the preferred mode(s) of service to be utilized in the county for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS); shall provide ongoing advice and recommendations regarding IHSS to the BOS; administrative body in the county that is related to the delivery and administration of IHSS; the governing body and administrative agency of the public authority, non-profit consortium, contractor and public employees.
Qualifications • Group 1 - Five (5) members, with one member nominated by each Supervisor, and are each past or present users of personal assistance services paid through public or private funds who are representative of the Fresno County IHSS caseload.; • Group 2 - Two (2) members who are past or present providers of IHSS • Group 3 - Two members of the advisory committee shall be persons with expertise in program development, administration, and fiscal management who represent or advocate for home care service delivery organizations and their consumers.
Meeting Schedule Monthly
AB 1234 Ethics Training Pursuant to Government Code Section 53235, if any local agency provides any type of compensation, salary, or stipend to a member of a legislative body or provides reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by a member of a legislative body in the performance of official duties, then all agency officials shall receive training in ethics.
Oath of Office Not Required
Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) Required
Contact Leanndra Malveux (559) 600-2159
P.O. Box 1912 Fresno, CA 93718


Position Members Appointed Date Term Expires Districts
Consumer Vacant 7/14/2015 1/7/2019 District 1
Consumer Wilkins, Donyell (Term Expired) 12/17/2024 1/6/2025 District 2
Consumer Vacant 5/7/2024 1/6/2025 District 3
Consumer Vacant 8/25/2009 1/7/2019 District 4
Consumer Kenderian, Diana (Term Expired) 1/26/2021 1/6/2025 District 5
Provider Perez, Karina 1/18/2022 1/5/2026 At Large
Provider Vacant 4/27/2021 1/3/2023 At Large
Consortium nomination Lutton, Nick 12/3/2024 1/4/2027 At Large
Consortium nomination Vacant 8/20/2019 1/3/2023 At Large