Boards, Commissions and Committees

Planning Commission

Committee Planning Commission
Enabling Legislation Government Code section 65100, et seq.; Fresno County Charter Section 18; Fresno County Ord. Chapter 2.48
Membership Nine members
Term Specifications • Four years • Commissioners may serve no more than 8 eight consecutive years (2 terms), provided that a Commissioner shall continue to serve until his or her successor is appointed.
Compensation $75 per day ($300 monthly maximum) plus mileage; reimbursement of travel and parking
Duties Formulate, approve, adopt and enact general plans, zoning ordinances, official plans, and precise plans - with jurisdiction, powers and duties to do any and all things related to local and area planning as may be conferred to it by the Government Code
Qualifications • At least one but not more than two members shall be appointed from each supervisorial district and reside therein during their respective terms, provided that the Board of Supervisors may appoint a third member from a supervisorial district upon a finding that such appointment will serve the interests of the residents of Fresno County.
Meeting Schedule Semi-Monthly
AB 1234 Ethics Training Pursuant to Government Code Section 53235, if any local agency provides any type of compensation, salary, or stipend to a member of a legislative body or provides reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by a member of a legislative body in the performance of official duties, then all agency officials shall receive training in ethics.
Oath of Office Required
Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) Required
Contact David Randall (559) 600-4052
2220 Tulare, 6th Floor Fresno, CA 93721


Position Members Appointed Date Term Expires Districts
Commissioner Abrahamian, Ken (Term Expired) 1/29/2019 1/3/2023 District 1
Commissioner Borchardt, David (Term Expired) 4/9/2024 1/6/2025 District 2
Commissioner Carver, Esther (Term Expired) 10/5/2021 1/6/2025 District 3
Commissioner Roman, Michelle 2/11/2025 1/4/2027 District 4
Commissioner Arabian, John 1/7/2025 1/1/2029 District 5
Commissioner Quist, James 5/7/2024 1/3/2028 At Large
Commissioner Hill, Glenda 3/8/2022 1/5/2026 At Large
Commissioner Whelan, Brian 5/7/2024 1/3/2028 At Large
Commissioner Zante, Blake 1/18/2022 1/5/2026 At Large